Should you rely on a home breathalyser?

How long will a pint stay in your system? Unless you check you do not know I’ve been prompted to write this post following a Periscope broadcast by @SgtTCS about drink driving and the use of home breath test kits. SgtTCS is a serving police sergeant whom I have followed on Twitter for many years. He is extremely dedicated to his work and to promoting road safety. He has used social media to campaign against all sorts of dangers that motorists encounter on the roads. This is his tweet with a link to the Periscope broadcast: Personal breathalysers - #31DaysLive Day 78 suggested by @jred196 — SgtTCS (@SgtTCS) October 17, 2017 First, I should say that I do not disagree with the points SgtTCS makes but, having spent many years representing drink drivers , I do feel that he, and many other police officers, underestimate the importance of breath test devices in helping people avoid drink driving. The argument from many seems to be th...