BIker Defence Solicitors

It's that time of the year when a bit of unashamed self-publicising is called for.

As a biker I have decided to set up a firm specialising in defending motorcyclists who have been accused of driving offences, such as drink driving, speeding, etc.  It's called Biker Defence Solicitors and has a website, which you can find at

While we specialise in defending bikers, I also drive a car and could probably be persuaded to defend anybody up to no good behind the wheel as well... feel free to drop me an email at for more information.

There endth the blatant ad.


  1. Sorry to be picky, but your banner has a spelling mistake.

    That said - speaking as both a JP and also a Pan European rider - it's good to see your site.

    All the best...

  2. Ed (not Bystander)28 April 2012 at 20:51


  3. Haha, you see that is why I post stuff here.


    I've always had a problem with words like specalising - whenever there's a mix of i's and s's I seem to make mistakes. Facsimile is another one I misspell all the time.

    Doesn't help that one of my computers checks spellings as I go for most words, but not all and the others only do it if you ask... sure I've set something up wrong somewhere.

    Thanks again.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. As you may have guessed, I fell into the trap of all pedants! Just wanted to suggest that you might want to run a spellchecker across the "bikerdefence" website.

  6. As you may have guessed, I fell into the trap of all pedants! Just wanted to suggest that you might want to run a spellchecker across the "bikerdefence" website.

  7. Thanks for the feedback. I've run a spell check over the entire site in Word and only found one spelling error where I'd put "solciitor", which oddly the neither the browser based spell checker nor the Wordpress one picked up on. I also noticed I'd put "of" instead of "or" in one page.

    Have I missed something else? I'm getting paranoid now.

  8. Do you no longer work with this firm doing regular criminal work? I always have a fear of being wrongly arrested and convicted a la Sam Hallam and would prefer to try to pick a defence solicitor I feel would act well for me.


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