Bloody cheek

I have just received the most extraordinary letter, which comes signed jointly by Dominic Grieve, Attorney General and member of the Government.  The letter says, "We already know that legal aid for people facing legal problems... may be cut and those who cannot afford to pay for advice are going to find it very difficult to seek free legal help."

The letter then goes on to ask for a donation to the Access to Justice Foundation so that the charity can provide free legal advice to people in need.

Not only does the Government want to cut funding and thus put me and my employees out of work but now at least one member of the Government would also like me to fund my own replacement!

Incidentally, my firm does it's share of free work.  We regularly take part in things like Will Aid (where solicitors prepare wills free of charge and the receipient makes a donation to charity in lieu of paying a fee).  Also, on the 5th August 2011 we will be hosting a free legal advice day at our offices where local people can make an appointment to come and see our solicitors completely free of charge to get some practical advice on dealing with their problems.


  1. Try this one as a reply:

  2. West Mids Police used regulation A190 to force officers with more than 30 years service to retire then sent them a letter inviting them to become special constables.

    The cheek indeed.


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