Police cautions to be scrapped
A PC, no doubt busy "wrongly dishing out" a caution I read a news story this morning telling me that Chris "Failing" Grayling is to scrap police cautions so that victims of crime do not feel as though offenders are "walking away scot-free". First, I should say that I don't hold any firm views on whether this is a good idea or not; however, being deeply cynical of all noises emanating from the mouths of politicians I am inclined to see this as populist hot air. What are police cautions? In case you don't know and, like Mr Grayling, believe that a police caution means nothing I shall explain what these things are. The police can issue a caution where a crime has been committed, somebody has admitted to the crime and has expressed regret. They will not usually be given if the offender has received a previous caution or has been convicted of a similar offence. They are useful where it might not be wise to criminalise somebody, e.g. a 12 ye...